Emotional Life Resources


"What really matters for success, character, happiness and life long achievements

is a
 definite set of emotional skills – YOUR EQ –
not just purely cognitive abilities that are measured by conventional IQ tests."

Daniel Goleman, Ph.D


How's YOUR emotional life? 

Emotional resources image available

It's scientifically proven that your inner, emotional life
determines your outer life outcomes

To find out how you're doing with yours,

click below for this free pop quiz:




Free Articles





Your Emotional Self:
Your Key to a Better Life

Your emotional self operates at the very core of your life, affecting everything you think and do. Realizing how important it is for everything you want in life is highly motivating for improving yours. Read more...

About Your
Emotional Life

Here's the very first step you can take to improve your emotional life, and it's so simple, you won't believe you didn't think of it yourself. It's not scary, not threatening, and it's easy to do too. Read more...

 Your Best Emotional Life Starts Here
Taking care of 'emotional ground zero' is the number one action you can take to improve your emotional life, plus doing so contributes to your very survival. Here are the ingredients. Read more...






 emotional life in adulthood

What does it mean to be an adult? It turns out that the apparent randomness of adult life has an underlying pattern.  This pattern, composed of stages, can guide us - giving us clues about what we need to do, and when we need to do it so we can feel OK about ourselves and have a smooth and fulfilling journey through our life stages as grown-ups. Read the full story here.


 How we develop our Natural Child  How do we manage to grow from
tiny, helpless babies, totally dependent on our caregivers, to the adults we are now, capable of reading this and taking care of ourselves?  And what happens to those dependency needs?  Do they just go away or what?
Find out more here.


 emotional life in adulthood


emotional life in adulthood

  We're normally not neurotic  Many people, including conscientious clinicians, use the word neurotic to refer to processes which are normal in children. They are also normal processes of the inner Child in all of us. Eric Berne pointed out that although these inner processes develop during childhood. They do not drop away, but remain active throughout adult life. In other words, they are normal, and not neurotic. Find out more here

 To solve today's problems  - tap into your childhood  Rather than leaving behind the stages of childhood, we can find solutions to many of  the problems and frustrations ot today by tapping into the skills, knowledge and abilities we possessed in childhood. Here's how it works  

emotional life in adulthood

 emotional life in adulthood  Reclaim your thinking power  How do we free ourselves from feeling stuck, living in the same old rut, meeting other people's expectations of us but not including our own wants, needs and desires? Becoming free is not a sudden event, typically, but instead involves a process of freeing ourselves to think.
Here's how that process takes place



Want to tap into all the benefits of a higher

Use this

to raise it...

Raise EQ Banner


A free online minicourse delivered to your inbox.
Walks you through 7 short steps to raise your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) .




  free eBook: Your Emotional Self
Five Secrets for a Successful
 Emotional Life


Emotional Self eBook image



 C:Users/Dropbox/Development/Website Materials/Website Images/ Blue Nautilus for website

How Are You Managing Your Cycle of Life? Your life journey has cyclic, repeating seasons because you are part of nature and nature is part of you. How well are you managing these seasons? Assess your own progress here in a few minutes.
Arrow2_purple_small Free Questionnaire


 The Cycle of Life

The Cycle of Life: Creating Smooth Passages in Every Life Season 

What is the design for our passages through life?

Pamela Levin's clinical research reveals that all human life has a blueprint, but also that it is shared with everything that exists. 

This resource guides you to discover how it unfolds in your life and how to live in harmony with it . Learn how to make
 your life transitions become smooth sailing.
 Arrow2_purple_small  Your copy available here


 Cycles of Power

Cycles of Power: A Users Guide to the Seven Seasons of Life Your emotional health depends on how well you manage the stages of your life cycle. Dive into each of its six stages, learn how to navigate each one and what pitfalls to avoid.

Arrow2_purple_small English language version here

Arrow2_purple_small Russian Language version here...

 Chinese language version (coming Spring of 2019)


 Arrow2_purple_smallFrench language version here ...


Les cycles de l'identité - 2ème édition
Comment se développent nos compétences tout au long de notre vie

Que signifie «être un adulte» ? Quelles sont les compétences utiles pour bien vivre ? Voilà les questions que s’est posé l’auteur. Et la recherche qu’elle a menée pour y répondre, tout au long de ses années de pratique comme...
(What does it mean to 'be an adult'? What are the skills needed for a good life? These are the questions posed by the author.  And the research she conducted in response, throughout her years of practice as ...)
Arrow2_purple_small French language book here ...

Cycles of Power Russian

Cycles-Russian back cover

Arrow2_purple_smallCycles of Power:
Russian Language Version

Arrow2_purple_small  Russian Language
  book here...


Your Emotional Dietary Needs

red heart
Your emotional dietary needs are at least
 as important as your food diet.

This is especially true during life changes, when you
might pay less attention to emotional needs.

When you ignore, neglect or abuse them, you reap
  dire consequences in all areas of your life.
When you
notice, care for and honor them, you
reap boundless positive results,  in 
better mood,  greater health. efficiency, competence
& relationships,
to name a few.

 emotional hunger - hug

Do you suspect that emotional hungers you're  not even aware of—drive you to make choices based on emotional need instead of what's actually best for you?
What constructive steps can you take? Check

 couple talking
Emotional hungers drive how people act in relationships whether or not they know it.  Therefore, whether you want to have a healthy relationship, avoid relationship problems, gain emotional support or improvie a relationship that's ailing, you'll need to address these hidden hungers, which is easier than you think. You can start with these four essential steps outlined here...

Being EMOTIONALLY NOURISHED means going from
being emotionally needy to emotionally nourished.

Go here to access this nourishing support at any time:Your Emotional Nutrients

EMOTIONAL SUPPORT  when you need it - 24/7.
Weekly emotional support messages
delivered to your inbox -
PLUS messages that support a
healthy emotional life you can take in
any time -24/7!
 Available here. 


Need support for dealing with changes in your life?
Changes image

You can't prevent life changes.
Use these powerful messages to help you handle them well
Powerful Messages to Support You in All Your Life Transitions



Who are you really? 

    What is this life process like that you undergo from birth on?  
      Now that you're an adut, how is that different from when you were a child and now that you're an adult?  
        Which parts need to remain the same and which need to be different?  

           You'll have the answers to these and many other questions
          in the first three of the following ten online classes:

           ED101 Banner

            a series of  ten one-hour streaming audio classes.

          No matter what your current emotional state,

          your children &
          your relationships
          can thrive in the emotional landscape of life.
          Learn how to create a healthy, stable and satisfying  emotional life. 
          (The international award winning material).

           Find out more here...





          Didn't find what you were looking for? 

          Search this site here:




          Search here:

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           make a request here:





          Aboubeing a health professional: 


          The Person Who Is the Therapist
               La persona que es el terapeuta (Spanish language version)


          Games Nurses Play  (coauthored with Eric Berne)
          A quoi jouent les infermieres (French language version)


          The Role of Personal Evolution in the Therapist



          About the developmental process of life:


          Eric Berne Memorial Scientific Award Material:

          The Cycle of Development
          El Ciclo del dessarrollo (Spanish language version)

          Eric Berne Award Acceptance Speech



          A Developmental Script Questionnaire


          Ego States and Emotional Development in Adolescence        

          Corrective Parenting: A Developmental Odyssey 


          About the process of counseling and therapy:


          The Think Structure for Feeling Fine Faster
          Une  "structuration de la pensee" pour se sentir bien plus vite 
          French language version)


          Embodying Transactional Analysis (interview)

          Devolution: The Link between Script Instructions and Physical Illness



          About women's empowerment:


          Women’s Oppression and Psychiatry 

          The Development of Sex Role Scripting

          The A/Mazing Journey: From Sexism to Self-Determination

          Eric Berne, The "Woman Question" and its Evolution in the TA World